NAME :                      David Rose.


EMAIL:                      dave -at-


MARITAL STATUS :   Married with 3 children.


DATE OF BIRTH :   10 DEC 1957.


EDUCATION :             Completed Higher School Certificate 1975.

                                 Commenced Degree in Computing Science at New South Wales Institute of Technology 1977, abandoned Degree in 1979 because of work  commitments.

                                 Attended various courses run by Computer Manufacturers.


INTERESTS :              Photography and Computing.

Career Milestones


After starting work as a computer operator in 1976, I progressed through the ranks of Plessey Australia, first as a trainee (COBOL) programmer through to position of programmer. In September of 1978 I was retrenched in company downsize.


I then spent a year as a COBOL programmer for a software house, but the contract I was working on there was cancelled and I moved to AWA.


I spent the next 4 years initially as a COBOL programmer, then as a Pick application programmer for AWA. I worked on Debtors, Creditors and General Ledger systems as well as being involved in “non-IT” programming projects that the company had on offer.


I left AWA to join Ultimate Computers initially as a Pick application programmer, from there I became a presales specialist, then post sales support specialist. As part of the post sales support team I was responsible for analysing software and hardware faults in the Ultimate range of “hardware assisted Pick Machines” (DEC LSI11, Honeywell DPS6 and VAX). This required me to be intimately acquainted with the internal workings of the Pick System. During this time as post sales support specialist I made many trips to our R&D centre in Irvine California. After 6 years with the Australian subsidiary, I was offered a position as a Pick Systems programmer in our R&D centre. I worked in California for two years and in that time I was responsible for major developments to the Ultimate version of Pick Basic, major changes to the command processor (TCL), upgrades to the Save/Restore system as well as fixing over 300 bugs. I was also trained in Tandem’s TAL programming language and worked on Ultimates Fault Tolerant version of Pick. I was on the review team for Ultimates unix implementation. I was retrenched from Ultimate as the company slowly went broke.


From there I moved away from Pick programming for a while and began working on unix projects in C as an independent contractor. In the middle of this time I took on a position as Director of Software Engineering for a company called DPC in Florida – I was offered this position on a personal recommendation from a number of staff that I had worked with at Ultimate. The company was on a bad financial footing and I was retrenched after 7 months. I then started an Internet Service Provider, which I sold in September 1997.


Since that time I have worked predominantly in a post sales support roll for a Pick Hardware/Software supplier in their offices here in Australia. I began working for the local subsidiary of Sequoia systems, a manufacturer of fault tolerant Pick Systems. I was part of a global “follow the sun” support group, we were responsible for supporting such high profile sites like Marriot Hotels. In this roll, I had access to the source code of the Sequoia Pick system. My responsibilities covered locating and fixing bugs as well as identifying (and repairing) data corruptions on live customer systems. Sequoia was purchased my General Automation (another Pick Licensee) who had a windows version of Pick (mvBase) as well as a unix version Power95. I continued supporting these Pick systems until GA sold those businesses back to Pick Systems (now Raining Data). During this time I made frequent trips to the US and Canada and was actively involved in bug resolution and product design for GA’s middleware products. Recently, GA has sold it’s middleware business to a start up company called Fusionware. I continue working in a sales support and applications development role with this new organisation. These days I develop software in Java that utilises Fusionware middleware to access data on a multitude of Pick systems (universe, unidata, mvabse, power95, etc, etc).


DATE :                       SEPTEMBER 1997 TO CURRENT


POSITION :                Project Leader/Programmer/Support Specialist.


COMPANY :               General Automation/GA eXpress/Fusionware.


INDUSTRY :               Computer Supplier/Software Developer.


SOFTWARE :              Windows

                                    Visual BASIC (v6.0)

                                    Liberty ODBC & OLEDB Driver

                                    Internet Information Server



                                    Shell Scripts


                                    Apache Web Server







                                 Pick (Multivalued) Databases












HARDWARE :            80x86

                                 Various Pick Based Computers

                                 Various Unix Based Computers

                                 PowerMAC and Iicx



GENERAL :                 Projects undertaken :-

                                                Global Support for General Automation Systems

                                                Train other support staff

                                                ODBC/OLEDB and Pick/Widows database products

                                                Developed IVR System for Credit Unions

                                                Developed Internet Banking System for Credit Unions

                                                Diagnose network problems on unix systems

                                                Develop strategies for browser front ending legacy apps

                                                Developing “XML Aware” web applications

                                                Configuring and installing web and email servers

                                                Network and unix trouble shooting

                                                Develop “factory data” capture programs in VB6

                                                Develop product lookup in Java

COMMENTS :              While at GA (now called FusionWare) I have been responsible for the design, development and installation of an IVR service that was installed at Shell Employees Credit Union (in NSW and VIC), Macaulay Credit Union (VIC), TAB Employees Credit Union (NSW), RTA Employees Credit Union (NSW) and Power Credit Union (5 units installed around NSW).

I was also the system architect of GA’s Internet Banking product which was installed at Police and Nurses Credit Society in WA ( I was responsible for the overall design of the product including the user interface, communications protocols and back end data server. I was project leader of a team that consisted of web developer, Java communications developer and back end data server developers that developed the product from my specifications.

I was also responsible for the HP Rewards site ( – now offline but the site can be viewed if required), I designed and developed the back end database and merged ASP logic into web pages developed by a graphic artist. I also managed a junior programmer who developed the back end maintenance pages.

I was the system architect and project manger for the ARIA (Australian Recording Industry Association) Online Catalogue web site ( as well as the EDC (Entertainment Distributors Company) web site ( I was responsible for the overall design of the web sites including the user interface, communications protocols and back end data server. I was project leader of a team that consisted of web developer and back end data server developers that developed the product from my specifications. Both these projects were developed in PHP.

I continue to be the customer contact for bug reports and enhancement requests for both of these web projects.

I was involved in evaluating GA’s new eTools products. This investigation has led me to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages using VBScript and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to create web pages containing content retrieved from databases.

I host and maintain my own website at

I have developed a “product lookup” program for Technical Indexes ( that allows Electronic and Mechanical Engineers search for products, company and trade names and retrieve up to date supplier information. The software is delivered either via a web download (using JNLP) or via a CD.

I developed and continue to support a data capture system used in the Somerton and Thomastown factories of South Pacific Tyres. This system is written in Visual Basic and takes the output from test systems, reformats and uploads it to an AS/400.


DATE :                       DECEMBER 1996 TO SEPTEMBER 1997


POSITION :                Contract Project Leader/Programmer.


COMPANY :               Holiwill Pty Ltd.


INDUSTRY :               Software House.


SOFTWARE :              Windows

                                    Visual BASIC (v3.0)





                                    Shell Scripts


                                    Apache Web Server




                                 Pick O/S







HARDWARE :            80x86

                                 Various Pick Based Computers

                                 Various Unix Based Computers

                                 PowerMAC and Iicx



GENERAL :                 Holiwill is a small software house specialising in technical software. Projects undertaken :-

                                                Publishing Software on MAC for Spastic Society of VIC

                                                Further development Tyre Grading System on RS/6000

                                                Global Support for General Automation Systems

                                                Document Storage System in ACCESS

                                                Pick based dialup data transfer

                                                Harness Timing System for Omega Electronics

                                                Port AIX software to SCO

DATE:                        JULY 1995 to DECEMBER 1996


POSITION :                Technical Director


COMPANY :               oZramp Pty Ltd


SOFTWARE :              Linux

                                 Windows (3.x, NT, 95)

                                 Visual Voice

                                 MAC OS


                                 IOS 10.3


HARDWARE :            80x86



                                 annex-II Terminal Server

                                 Netcomm rack modems

                                 MAC Iicx

                                 Dialogic DSP


DUTIES :                    Design and develop billing applications software.

                                 Design and develop after hours support IVR system

Oversee TCP/IP network.

Manage a team of support staff.


GENERAL :                 oZramp was a Melbourne based Internet Service Provider. I was responsible for the configuration, installation, and support of the oZramp network which currently consists of 6 Pentium systems, 2 macs, 1 notebook, 7 terminal servers, 1 cisco router and 104 rack mounted modems. I also managed the help desk operators and assist in the more difficult problems.

I oversaw the development of a user installation guide.

I was responsible for the training and support of over a dozen casual installation staff.

 DATE :                      FEBURARY 1994 TO JULY 1995


POSITION :                Contract Project Leader/Programmer.


COMPANY :               Holiwill Pty Ltd.


SOFTWARE :              Windows Advanced Revelation, Basic, Pick, Assembler, Basic


HARDWARE :            80x86, Sequoia Fault Tolerant Unix Systems


DUTIES:                     Develop Reverse Engineering tool for AREV

                                 Port Pick Assembler Code to solve “day 10,000” problem


GENERAL :                 Holiwill is a small software house specialising in technical software.



DATE :                       JULY 1993 to FEBURARY 1994.


POSITION :                Director of Software Engineering.


COMPANY :               Digital Products Corporation, Florida (USA).


INDUSTRY :               Home Arrest.


SOFTWARE :              MSDOS, UNIX, Novell, Advanced Revelation, Basic, AT&T Conversant, Borland C


HARDWARE :            80x86

                                 AT&T Conversant Voice Recognition System


DUTIES :                    Design and develop applications software.

                                 Participate in hardware design discussions.

                                 Manage a team of 2 support staff, 3 contract programmers and interface with hardware personnel.


GENERAL :                 DPC is a Florida based company that manufactures and develops products for the home arrest market. DPC has a service bureau that monitors 3000 clients spread across the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, this bureau is based on a Novell network running the AREV database system with 2gb of online data storage as well as two dozen 386 and 486 based systems. I was responsible for the design, implementation and support of the bureau software that is used in house and by DPC customers, as well as the direction and monitoring of outside contractors.


DATE :                       NOVEMBER 1991 TO JULY 1993.


POSITION :                Contract Project Leader/Programmer.


COMPANY :               Holiwill Pty Ltd.


INDUSTRY :               Software House.


SOFTWARE :              Microsoft and Borland C, 80x86 Assembler, MSDOS, Windows, Visual BASIC, AIX and BSD Unix, C, Shell Scripts, QNX, C, IAS (Voice recognition scripting language), Pick Virtual O/S, VMS


HARDWARE :            80x86 & PS/2, Various Pick Based Computers, Various Unix Based Computers, Brite Voice Recognition System, RS/6000, VAX


DUTIES :                    Design and develop software and utility packages.

                                 Manage teams of 1 or 2 programmers and hardware support personnel.

                                 Projects included design, code, document and test the following products and custom software :-


                                                LikeWyse Terminal Emulator

                                                Windows Terminal Emulator

                                                BTREE File system for MSDOS

                                                Port LHARC to AIX and make local modifications

                                                Character based graphing utility

                                                MSDOS based product directory lookup

                                                Voice recognition and response for Credit Unions

                                                Tyre grading and transfer system

                                                Credit transaction retrieval from intelligent petrol pumps

                                                Electronic White Pages for Pick


GENERAL :                 Holiwill is a small software house specialising in technical software that allows large Pick and Unix applications to use PCs to perform tasks that cannot be handled directly by the host system. The software developed is a combination of host collection and gathering programs, data communication programs, MSDOS file system, display and control programs.

DATE :                       JUNE 1988 TO NOVEMBER 1991.


POSTION :                 Operating Systems Programmer.


COMPANY :               Ultimate Corporation (USA).


INDUSTRY :               Computer Manufacturer.


SOFTWARE :              Honeywell DPS6 Assembler, DEC LSI11 Assembler, VAX Assembler, IBM Assembler, 8086 Assembler, Ultimate Virtual O/S, Transaction Application Language (TAL), C, Tandem Guardian 90 OS, (Unix)


HARDWARE :            Ultimate Honeywell, LSI11, VAX, IBM, PC, Tandem CLX/VLX, IBM RT and RS6000, Honeywell Superteam


DUTIES :                    Design and develop Operating System software and utilities.

                                 Locate and fix bugs reported by customers and Ultimate TAC staff.

                                 Work performed on Ultimate implementation of the Pick Operating System and Ultimate environment under Tandem's Guardian 90 O/S and Unix.

                                 Projects included design, code, document and test the following functions of the Ultimate OS :-

                                    TERMINAL COMMAND LANGUAGE (TCL) stacker/editor.

                                    BASIC Compiler and Runtime enhancements

                                    BASIC DEBUGGER

                                    SPOOLER Process

                                    Level Pushing

                                    Enhancements to Ultimate's OS/FT system


GENERAL :                 The last 2 years of employment at Ultimate was in Ultimate's R&D facility in Irvine, California.

                                 Whilst in the USA I recieved training in the Unix operating system, C programming, Unix internals and performance monitoring.

DATE :                       MAY 1983 TO JUNE 1988.


POSITION :                Technical Support/New Product Engineer.


COMPANY :               Pick Computer Systems Pty. Ltd./Ultimate Computer Ltd.


INDUSTRY :               Computer Supplier.


SOFTWARE :              Pick Operating System.


LANGUAGES :            ASSEMBLER, ULT/BASIC, RECALL (a query language), PROC (a job control language).




DUTIES :                    Offer technical advice to customers.

                                 Support of the Ultimate Operating System.

                                 Development of User-modes as reqested.

                                 Train customers in use of Ultimate Computers.

                                 Convert Microdata and Prime software to Ultimate.

                                 Monitor and report failures in System Software.

                                 Assist sales people with technical problems.

                                 Laision between customers and hardware support personel.

Travel to USA for product 'wrapup' and introduction to Australia. Make modifications to virtual operating system as directed by Ultimate California. Develop patches for kernels to solve local problems. Develop local virtual assembler routines as requested. Give advanced O/S training courses to Ultimate staff and experienced customers. Provide backup support for New Zealand, Hong Kong and Australian branch support groups.

DATE :                       NOV 1981 TO MAY 1983.


POSITION :                Senior Programmer/Analyst.


COMPANY :               A.W.A. (Corprate EDP Division).


INDUSTRY :               Electrical/Electronics Manufacturing.




HARDWARE :            UNIVAC 90/30, A.W.A. REALITY, MOTOROLA EXORCISER,    A.W.A. Digital Data Network Test System


APPLICATIONS :   General Ledger,

                                 Manufacturing Package Implementation,

                                 Aircraft Defect Reporting & Statistics,

                                 Subscriber Test System,

                                 General Utilities.


DUTIES :                    Analyse user requirements,

                                 Document requirements and propose system, design, Code & Implement system, train operators in use of system.

                                 Supervise Trainee Programmers.

                                 Support applications software.

                                 Monitor and report failures in System Software.


GENERAL :                 Worked with A.W.A. Electrical Engineers to develop Subscriber Test System software for TELECOM'S Digital Data Network from TELECOM specifications. Programming was in MPL and M6800 Assembler on a MOTOROLA EXORCISER.



DATE :                       SEP 1979 TO NOV 1981.


POSITION :                Programmer/Analyst.


COMPANY :               A.W.A. (Corprate EDP Division).


INDUSTRY :               Electrical/Electronics Manufacturing.




HARDWARE :            UNIVAC 90/30, A.W.A. REALITY, MOTOROLA EXORCISER,    A.W.A. Digital Data Network Test System


DUTIES :                    Analyse user requirements, document requirements and propose system, design, code & implement system, train operators in use of system, support applications software.

                                 Monitor and report failures in System Software.


GENERAL :                 Worked both alone and in groups, from both formal and informal specifications at ASHFIELD and LEICHHARDT.


DATE :                       SEP 1978 - SEP 1979.


POSTION :                 Programmer.


COMPANY :               LANENA Pty Ltd.


INDUSTRY :               Software House.


SOFTWARE :              VORTEX O/S

                                 TOTAL Database

                                 PRONTO Transaction Processor




HARDWARE :            UNIVAC V77


DUTIES :                    Design, Code & Test programs from formal specifications,

                                 Discuss and evaluate user requirements.


GENERAL :                 Abandoned N.S.W.I.T. Course because of work commitments.

DATE :                       SEP 1977 - SEP 1978.


POSTION :                 Trainee Computer Programmer.


COMPANY :               PLESSEY (AUST).


INDUSTRY :               Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.


SOFTWARE :              George 2 O/S


                                 PLAN ASSEMBLER


HARDWARE :            ICL 1902T


DUTIES :                    Writing testing and installing programs from formal specifications


GENERAL :                 Commenced Degree in Computing Science at N.S.W.I.T.

                                 Whilst at the Institute wrote programs in ALGOL, BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN & PLAN.

                                 Studied Programming Principles, Financial Methods, Human Communications, Computer Architecture & Systems Analysis.


DATE :                       MAR 1976 - SEP 1977.


POSTION :                 (Trainee) Computer Operator.


COMPANY :               PLESSEY (AUST).


INDUSTRY :               Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.


HARDWARE :            ICL 1902T


DUTIES :                    Controlled the day to day running of jobs,

                                 Creation and maintenance of Job Control Streams,

                                 Store and retrieve tapes from Tape Library,

                                 Load and change tapes, disks & paper on peripherals.


GENERAL :                 After an initial training period of 3 months worked permanent afternoon shift ( 4pm - 11pm ) alone.